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Ph.D. student in Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Advisor: Dr. Yidan Hu
Research topics: Differential Privacy, Neural Network Verification
Resume -  G. Scholar -  GitHub -  ZhiHu
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Publications (1st author)
MpBP: Verifying Robustness of Neural Networks with Multi-path Bound Propagation   Code   Slides   Slides-2

Ye Zheng, Jiaxiang Liu, Xiaomu Shi
ESEC/FSE Demonstration 2022: European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering

基于多路径回溯的神经网络验证方法 and the English version Multi-path Back-propagation Method for Neural Network Verification   Code   Slides

JOS 2022 and IJSI 2022: 软件学报 and International Journal of Software and Informatics

硕士学位论文《多路径方法在神经网络验证中的研究与应用》  PDF   Slides

本文关注神经网络验证方法中界限传播方法的精度问题。关于此问题,本文提出界限传播路径的概念,将各种界限传播方法扩展到其对应的多路径界限传播方法;此外,本文将多路径界限传播在 PyTorch 框架上并行化,开发了高效而易用的鲁棒性验证工具。

More Bio
Shenzhen University (2020 - 2023)
  • Master's degree in Software Engineering
  • Research areas: Neural Network Verification and Formal Verification, advised by Dr. Jiaxiang Liu
Henan University (2016 - 2020)
  • Bachelor's degree in Mathematics
  • Majored in Pure Mathematics, advised by Dr. Zhonghua Wang